Getting Regulation Right in a Global Digital World: Universal service, Competition, Consumer Protection, Competition, Ethics and Privacy have become even more significant given that Digital Technologies increasingly underlie the economic, social and political aspects of our lives. Artificial intelligence and the Metaverse are here to stay and Singularity is probably not as far as we may imagine. The global nature of these issues calls for international collaboration, cooperation and judicious regulation. This blog discusses these contemporary issues from the author’s multi-speciality perspective and offers unique and thought-provoking insights.
In the past few months, I have received countless spam calls and messages to the point that I have become…
An article in today’s Economic Times draws attention to the problem of Artificial intelligence-related plagiarism. I was happy to read…
Are we Going Backwards? It was disturbing to read the recent Economist article about the hardening of conservative and chauvinistic…
All branches of tech. regulation are related. E Commerce will succeed only if we handle personal data, competition and consumer…
All branches of tech. regulation are related. E Commerce will succeed only if we handle personal data, competition and consumer…
Getting regulation right entails understanding and respecting multi-stakeholders perspectives and worth. The proof of the pudding is consumer protection and…
Innovation is not always beneficial and does not necessarily emanate from digital giants.
Innovation is not always beneficial and does not necessarily emanate from digital giants.
Getting Regulation Right Part I: The Complexity and Complementarity of Regulations in the Digital World.
Getting Regulation Right: Tech. giants could show the way with new consumer friendly business models.
Getting Regulation Right Part I: The Complexity and Complementarity of Regulations in the Digital World.
The Complexity and Complementarity of Regulations in the Digital World.
In a Democracy, the choice of how to regulate matters involving protecting citizens’ rights should be straightforward. An elected government…
The cycle of technological progress and business success is reflected in the cycle of regulatory catch up.
This is recommended reading for anyone interested in AI regulation. It is hard to put down the ‘Atlas of AI’…
Algorithmic regulation should be rooted in ethics and be legally enforceable. As human creations, algorithms are controlled by us; we…
Teaching my discipline, i.e., Public Policy (in my case, with an emphasis on Technology), has a long theoretical legacy. However,…
Hypothetical Value Framework for Personal Data Ownership
My interventions at this event as a panellist: A. On the subject of How Digital Communications can contribute towards the achievement…